I live in the UK and am 5ft 8 not growing any more. Anyhow they say the average here is 5ft 4 for a girl and 5ft 9 for guys. I dont believe that for a minute!! Everyday for the past few months I stand near girls at the train station, bus stop etc. etc. And they are NOT wearing heels. The vast majority are taller than me!!! What's going on. The average can't be 5ft 4 for girls here. Its gotta be 5ft 7 minimum. But whats going on girls are going huge. I feel so short even around girls here!! Any girls from UK? How tall are you? Compared to other guys u know??
Girls are so tall these days taller than me but how come cause...?
Growth and height have long been recognized as a measure of the health and wellness of individuals, hence part of the reasoning for the use of growth charts.
Average height is increasingly used as a measure of the health and wellness (standard of living and quality of life) of populations. Attributed as a significant reason for the trend of increasing height in parts of Europe is the egalitarian populations where proper medical care and adequate nutrition are relatively equally distributed. Changes in diet (nutrition) and a general rise in quality of health care and standard of living are the cited factors in the Asian populations. Average height in the United States has remained essentially stagnant since the 1950s. The reason?
Malnourished (overweight and feeding on fast food or junk food are a class of malnourishment) youngsters who do not exercise.
Young people being taller in Europe is a sign of development and well being. Good thing.
As for the average height, the population has to be 18 on average to be censused, maybe in next year's census you'll see that change in average height. The latest is from 2002.
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