Saturday, November 19, 2011

Girls, when did you start to look for more than face in a guy?

I'm a freshman in college, and I started to notice that majority of girls actually want a guy who enjoys intellectual conversation.

During high school, girls didn't care about it, all they wanted was a hot guy.

I mean, college girls want hot guys as well, but apparently it's not as important as it used to be back in high school, you know.

And I think it's same for guys too. Now I DO look for more than a face in girls. I'd rather date average looking girl with nice personality than hot girl with messed up personality.

So yea, girls, from your experience, when did you start to look for more than face in a guy? If you mention, age, it'd be great but certain period of time(during high school, college, etc.) is nice too.

Girls, when did you start to look for more than face in a guy?
When I was fifteen, believe it or not. I was sick of dating guys who were hot but had the brainpower of a toasted crouton. It's like talking to a rock!

I was lucky to learn early on that personality matters more than looks. I've been with my boyfriend since I was fifteen (four years now), and we're now planning the wedding. While he may not be the greatest looking, he's got more than enough personality to make up for it.
Reply:I'm a sophomore in high school and I've always kinda been the way. If I liked a guy and my friends didn't find him to be attractive I didn't care. I do think that most people change as they get older. They start to REALLY look at a person.
Reply:I'm 20 and in college. I have always wanted a guy who was decent looking with a nice personality. I didn't really want a hot guy who is out of my league because I would feel insecure and wouldn't trust him because his good looks can get him other girls easily. I just want someone who can connect with me and be able to have someone to love. Physical appearance is what a lot of people look for too, but it's not the most important. Right now, I have a nice bf with an awesome personality, but he's not very attractive physically. I am happy to be with him though because he makes me feel special and that's all it matters to me.
Reply:well im 15 and yes ur right, a hot guy is great. but i am already at the I LOVE PERSONALITIES stage!!!

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