Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Girls - Is ponytailing going on in your school?

Does anyone know where ponytailing has come from? Is it going on in your school? I did a search on the net but can't find much. The closest I found describing it was on urbandictionary where it says a girl was ponytailed off the dance floor by another girl.

If you don't know what it is, it's when a girl grabs another girls ponytail and either tugs it to get the girl to follow her or just keeps hold of it firmly. Either way it's a sign to the girl holding the hair and anyone else around that this girl wants the undivided attention of the girl whose hair she is holding. A bit like putting an arm around someone's shoulder and taking them away from a group. It's not really like a girl yanking your hair in a fight in a violent pull. It's more like someone taking your arm or hand and holding it or squeezing it to get your attention or pulling you away, like a firm grip.

I got PT'd (thats what they call it now) on the bus about three weeks ago for the first time and I was like WTF.

Girls - Is ponytailing going on in your school?
I've seen it and think it's idiotic and moronic....whatever the difference is.
Reply:actually it is assault any physical contact that is against your will is assault
Reply:uhh never heard of it...:[
Reply:wow, times sure have changed since i was in school...
Reply:well if its hard then thats not ponytailing-cuz pony tailing isnt meant 2 hurt the person. usualy its like 2 small tugs thats not meant 2 hurt
Reply:i guess..

i dunno =s
Reply:You know what you find under a ponys tail? Well anyone doing this is acting like one of those.
Reply:yeah some girls
Reply:uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope
Reply:what never heard of it
Reply:no this hasnt happend at my school yet but i wouldnt be suprised it will catch on
Reply:wow that's some dumb sh*t
Reply:Weird! No.
Reply:WOW all i can say is wtf and im gonna start doing that to my Girlfriend and see it it gets her attention lol.
Reply:I'm a substitute teacher and I've never seen that happen. The closest thing I've seen to that is girls getting in fights and ripping out each others' weaves.

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