I'm not tryna start a whole racial thing, I'm just askin a question from a personal stand point. Me and my girlfriend live in MS. She's half puerto rican/ half native american, but she looks hispanic all the way. Everywhere we go, one of us notices black girls givin her mean looks. Every now and then white girls do the same. It seems like anytime we pass black girls or white girls, they look her up and down and act like they better than her. Its mostly black girls though. My girlfriend aint one of those girls who thinks she's better than people, she just doesnt trust many people at first, so she's not as quick to talk to others. But most of these girls (white and black) look at her like they got a problem wit her. I wanna know...is there somethin I'm overlookin? I do understand why white girls might not like her since we are in MS. People say racism is dead but trust me it aint. But do black girls not like hispanic girls? Have any other hispanic girls been through this kind of stuff?
Hispanic girls, black girls, and white girls...?
From my experience, very rarely do Hispanic and black girls have issues with each other.
So I would say, it's most definitely where you live. Most definitely. My cousin lives in MS, and my uncle used to live there, and I kid you not, most of the black girls I was around when there, had LOTS to say about the black men and how they were all dating Latinas and white girls. So I'd guess they're not too happy with the fact that 1) your girlfriend is Latina, and 2) she's beautiful. That's envy topped with jealousy. I'd say just ignore the looks, as long as they're not crossing any lines, they're harmless.
Reply:when they stare stop and kiss her and then .let them stare and do what they do best hate on it ......being pretty hot myself, I understand so forget them and take it as a compliment : ]
Reply:Jealousy, I imagine. Some people just love their haterade. Your girl is good looking, and they're probably just hating. Especially if she is a little standoffish with people, which is totally understandable, my son't mother is the same way, and also very exotic looking, and gets the same $hit. It doesn't bother her too much, though. Don't sweat it.
Reply:um you sure you arent racist? sounds like you are pointing blk girls out which is already a problem in society. it could be just where you live because if your in an area where there are lots of blk ppl (im guessing because minorities tend to live in ghetto neighborhoods - using ghetto terms like "dime") then they are probably just staring because your gf is different. are you blk? some (i think very few) blk girls have a prob with blk guys dating other races. also they could just be jealous of your gf. whatever. its just important that you dont generalize an entire race of women based on your narrow experience. just ignore ppl. who cares what they think right?
Reply:Jealousy is in the air. Don't worry about them.
Reply:Girls in general are cruel to each other. Those girls could be jealous of her because maybe they think you look good, or maybe she's too pretty, maybe she somehow comes across as full of herself etc etc. Girls will find any random reason to be bratty towards another girl. Around here lots of hispanic and black girls hang out together with no problems so I really think it has nothing to do with her race.
Reply:probably jelousy. and if not, they just do it to make them selves feel good. it might help them (or they think it does) to do that so that they'll feel like they have more power.
Reply:maybe its her breath
Reply:It might not be so much about her race as it is about her beauty, if she's really unique looking or pretty. In my experience with women, if I'm going to generalize, they are a lot less racist per se than they are competitive about their looks with other ladies! Hopefully, your girl knows who she is and knows she hasn't done anything wrong and can ignore those other chicks.
Reply:It is not about the race... it is about being confident...
There are women who can not stand looking at other girls because they are insecured.
In LA there is a lot of tension about black and hispanics...
I am hispanic and have friends from all racers including blacks.
Maybe its ignorance too, but I'll stick with confidence!!!
Don't let it bother you... I bet you they are young immature girls!
Reply:No, where I am Hispanic and black girls get along fine matter of fact I have more close Hispanic female friends than I do black female friends
Reply:I am latin, thanks God I don't live in US. But I have visited United states many times. I look "very Latin", of course. I know what are u talking about.
Black and white women in ur country look at me, like if i were an "alien". Black and white men, look at me, better, much better... with better eyes.
Women in ur country just look at us like "the enemy", the potential "man eater". We are not all like that, believe me.
In ur country, people are very racist ... a lot. One thing is the constitution, and, another thing is the "reality".
White hates black, black hates latin more ... bla, bla, bla ...
I'll give u an example, in switzerland, men make a Latin woman feel a "Goddest". In Switzerland, women make a Latin woman feel like "the maid, pure ...". Maybe it is our fault, some women have done some things, and we all pay ... only God knows.
I have lived those experiences. And I am so glad I did. It happens in Europe, USA. Lets see how it will be in Australia, maybe it will be the same "thing" ... i hope not.
Many white people and their problems of superiority around the world ah?. And many black people, who are even more "racist" than the own white ones ...
Do u know what i do with all that ?, Well honey, I smile and write ... I write about all my experiences around this fantastic world ... and I just hope, one day, my stories will become public, and I am not looking for money, all i want is "a good mesage" for human beings ... just, to make, this beautiful place, a better place, for all of us to live. A better place for my nephews and my nice, and for all new kids around the world ... and mine, in case I have some ...
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