Thursday, August 19, 2010

Girls: is being the "sweetest guy in the world" or a girl's "big brother" good or bad?

well, the problem is that i like girls who "love me like a brother" and then they turn around and tell me im the sweetest guy in the world, and any girl would be lucky t have me... this is great right, except for the part that no girls like me the way a like them... I mean, like i'm going to be 100% honest, some girls call me hot and perfect and stuff but i really don't think i am, but those are the girls who "love me like a brother"... so what does that mean? finally, y is it that girls like the guys who are "hot" but they're jerks. i mean at school they'll be crying walk up to there boyfriend and he'll walk away, y is it that they like guys who are shallow and not nice and go out of their way to make them happy? thanks for any answers

Girls: is being the "sweetest guy in the world" or a girl's "big brother" good or bad?
the girls who say they love u like a brother may be testing you to see your response.

i liked someone and said the exact same thing to him several times to see how he will react, and it was worth it. he got a little angry and said dont say that, etc, etc. which made me very happy.

but who knows, maybe some really do mean it when they say it? (but i doubt it)
Reply:When a girl "loves you like a brother" it's a good thing. They probably would be interested in you more than that too, but they probably think all you want is to be friends. When a girl goes out with a guy that is hot but a jerk, they think that the jerk side of him will change, but it doesn't. I guess that's one of the traits about a girl that needs work, but I have a best friend that I look at like a big brother, but the weird thing is that I love him and I liked him more than a friend for over a year. I don't think that feeling will ever go away, but that might be a possibility for some of the girls that look to you as a big brother. There might be something more, but the girls say they love you as a big brother because that might be all they want, or all they think they can get. Be honest with them and tell them if you like them more than a friend. Trust me, by doing this, you will do them a favor.
Reply:wow.. i think i like u too lol

anyway, u know, some people like to be around jerks cos they feel safer and confident, perhaps.

and feel intimidated by being with a perfectly sweet person where they'd be swept aside and not paid attention to...

i hope that was well represented... lol
Reply:well u sound like a great guy one that i would see as a good bf um girls go for the "hot guys" cuz they think it makes them " popular" but just stay a great friend and always help them out and the table will turn and u will see they will fall for u right now there just flirting cuz they kno ur there for them!!!

teeth yellow

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