Sunday, August 22, 2010

White girls need not be lonely and bitter?

I see all these Asian women out there with white men and I feel sorry for the white women. When a white girl sees a lot of white men with Asian girls, they often respond by going out with black or Hispanic dudes. Often, these black and Hispanic dudes are not serious and just using the white girls. So, in the end, white girls are still bitter and jealous of those white guys and Asian girls together. Yet, they don't realize there are angry and lonely Asian men out there too. White girls are reluctant to date Asian dudes because her peers would ridicule her because it is not cool and not in the trend to be with an Asian guy. There is also that superiority feeling they have. China is going to dominate the world someday, so why should being with an Asian guy be seen as shameful? Since so many white guys are with Asian girls, it is only fair and beneficial that white girls open up and receive Asian men to produce better relations between the races. Asian guys are loyal Americans too

White girls need not be lonely and bitter?
I'm young white woman and i would love to date an asian (Japanese or Chinese) guy as long as we respect each other. It would be two different cultures so there need to be understanding from both sides. But i used to think Asian guys are only interested in their own race since i rarely see an Asian guy with a non-Asian girlfriend. Lots of white guys tell white women that Asian guys aren't attractive and nonsense like that but this is just jealousy talk cause they hate to lose their power over white women. On one hand white guys are abandoning white women and on the other hand they love to see white women being miserable by chosing Asian women over white women. You have every right to be angry. We white women are angry too. We're not angry at Asian women, we're angry at white guys for not caring for the women of their own race. Lots of white guys are stealing your Asian women from you which is very unfair since there are already much more Asian guys than Asian girls. At the same time there are more white women than white guys, so it takes things even more out of balance, it leaves many white women and Asian guys without a partner. So i think Asian guys should start to ask out white girls. The only thing is, many white girls are tall and many Asian guys will be shorter than those girls. I'm 5ft11 and i don't care if my guy would be shorter than me but i'm not sure if Asian guys would like a girlfriend taller than them.
Reply:ok then
Reply:Blah Blah Blah..
Reply:It is thinking like that which sets race relations in America back 35 years.
Reply:First of all I don't know what or why theres alot of asian girls dating white dudes. I think lie they say it's for the social ladder thing, but I don't like it!!! They just just stick with their own kind!! they are dumb no offense, but yeah, those asian chicks need a spanking!!! They are wild and they are not the types I like. I'm a girl by the ASIAN girl and prefer my own race. Actually I only date Philipinos but sometimes my dad say they are mean and discriminatory as well! I don't know. All I know is that my mom used to say go date white man so your kids will have blue eyes. Isn't that funny!
Reply:This is true, in a way.
Reply:hmm, I'm a young white girl, and I date asians guys... I find them to be very attractive and sweet!
Reply:Hollywood, MTV and the U.S. mainstream media are telling everyone that asian men are undesirable. So white girls don't like asian men.
Reply:Are you kidding me? I love asian guys! They usually don't like caucasian women back though;) It's a question of height usually. I can't help it that I'm taller than most Asian men. I don't care for having a taller guy, so the problem lies most with the acceptance of a very large female compared to their build.

I don't know who told you it's uncool to date an asian guy. I think these women should get their eyes checked out. For one, you (asian men) don't tend to create a rug by the time you're 40. You don't go bald as often. You don't need to shave three times a day. I personally think your eye shapes are the best. You rarely get fat. I mean? Who wants to be with Farmer Bill when you can have something Oriental!? I'm sure lots of ladies will agree with me.

I'm not from the United States though and I don't exactly run into Asian men if I walk down the street. Nor will I find black people or hispanics. I probably wouldn't date a black man because I love hair and unfortunately they haven't been gifted with a head of hair you can run your fingers through. Hispanic perhaps, but seen from my background a little too hotblooded.

Also: because there are so little people of other color in my environment I of course, do not see the correlation white men- asian women daily. I have heard of the phenomenon. It is usually dismissed by white women as 'a choice easier to handle'. If there's a scale it would be:

asian women - white women - hispanic - black women.
Reply:ok I'm a white girl

I date hispanics.......its not that I am bitter that the white guys are taken by asian girls is that white guys arent my thing......I would date an Asian but I never see any in tx......

So......yeah.......I just love me some hispanics......I love me some mexican food! mmmmmmmmmm

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