Sunday, August 22, 2010

GIRLS, LADIES HELP!! Why do girls see me diffrently?

Ok, i'm not being a stuck up, conceited, arrogant or anything bad. If this sound conceited... i'm sorry....i'm just curious about girls and here's the questions...

Why do girls see me differently?.............i don't really understand girls...somehow they see me diffrently......i get comments from them too...some girls think i'm cute....others think i'm hot....others think i'm which one am i?

gosh girls are hard to understand!!!! girls help!!!

GIRLS, LADIES HELP!! Why do girls see me diffrently?
Lol, its not that they see you differently. Its the girls themselves.

You can tell a lot by a girl from the word she uses. Girls that use the word hilton type..they like to use the word that everyone else uses..just because they think its cute.

If a girl says cute or means the same thing as hot...its just...a bit more sophisticated.

I explained that the best i could.


Racing Shoes

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