My friend and I were talking and he asked me why girls dont get along with other girls. I personally prefer to have guys as friends, because i seem to get along with them better. And yes, i'm the type of girl who thinks other girls are scandalous and caddy. I couldn't explain to him why I felt like this, except for most girls i've been friends with have, in one way or the other, stabbed me in the back. Therefore, its hard for me to trust most of them. So I told him I'd ask online and let him know what you all think. Thanks!
*GIRLS* Why do girls dislike/not trust other girls?
Women are their own worst enemy.
Reply:Personally I would say that it's because we've seen the type of behavior we're capable of.
We know that we might do something shady and underhanded, and wouldn't put it past other girls to do the same thing.
Or, we know that we wouldn't do something shady and underhanded, but every girl we've been friends with has, and there's not much point in trying again with another girl.
Reply:Its really pretty easy. We are all in competition for the same thing. Attention. Just about everything we do is for attention. the way we dress, who we go out with, etc.
We all fight to get the attention of the best person we can. So.. anyone that stands in our way.. is an enemy.
Its just the way we are wired.
We were designed to propegate our species.. that means finding the best man for the job and making sure he mates and stays with us... that means fighting off everyone else for that spot.
its all evloution.. we are just made that way.
Reply:Girls at their worst--lots of times it happens because they are insecure and not feeling good about themselves--very little to do with you! But still--
Reasons to not like/trust other girls:
1. Afraid of conflict so they will talk about you behind your back and then be really, really nice to your face. You will find out months or even years later and be completely shocked they were ever pissed off at you. If you try to ask about it, they will gloss over it. You will get the feeling that this isn't the first time it has happened either.
2. Get jealous when something good happens to you and not to them. Like if you get a better job or nicer looking boyfriend or husband or get pregnant first or have a smarter/more athletic/more popular child. So they will have to find something about you that is bad so they can focus on that to make themselves feel better.
3. in a group, girls tend to get catty. The minute you walk away from a group of girls, one of them will bring something up about you. Depending on the group dynamic, the discussion will continue in full force OR it will stop and continue via telephone hours later with one or two of the primary members of the group.
4. DO NOT piss off the QUEEN BEE of the group OR there will be hell to pay. No matter what she does (steal other people's boyfriends, gets drunk and acts like a slut, etc.), you cannot ever comment, judge or do anything like this your own self or you will be castigated and thrown over the gorge to the wolves.
5. Girls never really forget; although they do forgive. Men can have fistfights and be best friends the next day. Women can never, ever do this. EVER. Even if they say they do, it will come back to bite you in the butt.
Reply:most girls are two faceded or just wanna cause dramam 24/ personally get along better with boys then girls.i guess to answere your question thats just how it is
Reply:Woman can be very emotional, catty, scandalous and back stabbing. They keep secrets like none other. I date woman and it's even harder for me.
My daughter has a sister and they're 3 mnths apart. Her mother was a good friend and co-worker of mine. She met my daughters father through me and use to hang out with us. I knew he was cheating just didn't know it was with her. I would call her crying at night when he would be out late or not show up at home all night. She would say " oh, I'm sure he'll be home. He's okay. Don't worry." Yeah, she knew because he was right there with her.
That's when I learned how scandalous woman can be.
Does this look good
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